
Chord Inversions for Solos and Improvisation

By | June 5th, 2017|Categories: How-to, Technique, Theory|

Chord Inversions for Solos and Improvisation In my last post, I covered "What are Chord Inversions and Triads?" Now let's apply that knowledge to soloing and improvising. We all get stuck in various ruts - the pentatonic box, starting on the root/tonic key, etc. Knowing where the chord inversions are for the key you're playing in [...]

What are Chord Inversions and Triads?

By | May 30th, 2017|Categories: Theory|Tags: , , |

What are Chord Inversions and Triads? What are chord inversions? Triads? 1, 3, 5? In this lesson, I'll cover the basics. Chord inversions are different ways to play the same chord. For example, you can play an E major triad(3 note chord) 3 different ways: 1) E, G#, B (root); 2)G#, B, E (1st inversion); or [...]